
Insecurities motivate us in strange ways, but they’re not always obvious…

It can look overly confident, like a scared child daring to do something dangerous, hoping to prove their fearlessness.

Or like an adult, isolated in a crowded room because she doesn’t believe that she can truly be accepted.

Spending our lives trying to prove our worth to others, while secretly hoping that we will start to believe it.

Going out of our way to convince others that our lives are better because what else matters?

Refusing to admit that being used by that man or being rejected by that crowd wasn’t personal so why even address it?

Lies. Crippling lies that make you justify missing major moments meant for you because you believe that you’re meant for less.

Aspiring to less so not to overwhelm yourself with the burden of having to conquer.

Instead you ignore divine opportunities to create and speak from a unique perspective, constantly negotiating your desire to be impactful.

You remain small because that’s what you’ve been taught is appropriate for you.

You’ve accepted what the world expects you to be.

Insecurities keep you stuck in a desperate cycle of rejection and regret.

Insecurities don’t allow you to break glass ceilings because you were only created to live underneath them.

They don’t allow you to see what’s beyond, because you were created to be contained by the norms set before you.

Insecurities don’t allow you to see your uniqueness as a strength because the desire to stand alone is unbearable.

Insecurities tell you it’s okay to fail because being able to conquer and overcome is only for the elite few.

The ones who look different than you, are more popular, more beautiful, have more money, have more education … they’re just plain acceptable.

The lies.

Here’s The Truth Lovely:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”

Insecurities poison your abilities, and makes you question the very thing that makes you useful; your testimony.

This is more than just about what you fear, insecurities rob you of the opportunity to add your unique voice to the conversation.

To be used for God’s Kingdom.

Instead, you’ve been convinced that you don’t matter.

That what you have to say is not relevant. That you can’t speak well, or with justification.

With authority. With conviction. With insight… necessary for those who are still battling their own insecurities.

Those who need to hear from you or see you walking fully in your experiences.

They’re waiting to see your work, so they can begin theirs.

They need permission. They need inspiration.

We all have something.

Be intentional.
